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This section must be updated at the category "requisitos de entrada"

Fully vaccinated | Aérea | Nacionales / Extranjeros y extranjeras residentes, Personas extranjeras

There are mandatory documents for Travelers who are fully vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2.

Fully vaccinated 

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Editing of this category must be carried out in the "Ingreso Requirements" tab.

Antigen or Negative RT-PCR Test

Presentation of a negative or non-reactive RT-PCR test or antigen test is required.

Access more details about the Negative RT-PCR test:

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Nationals and foreign residents.

Electronic Affidavit. It shall be completed 48 hours before starting the journey and submitted upon boarding to the operator of the international means of transport. People over 70 years of age are excepted.

The person must declare the places where they were in the last 14 days prior to entering the country.

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Entry restrictions do not apply to: born or naturalized Brazilians; immigrant with permanent residence, for a specified or indeterminate period, in Brazilian territory; or foreigners who are spouse, partner, child, father or curator of Brazilian, whose entry is specifically authorized by the Brazilian Government in view of the public interest or for humanitarian reasons; and people with National Migratory Register (MRI).

Submitted by paulagomez on

Requirements for entering the country.

Sanitary restrictions for the entry of Nationals and resident foreigners.

1.Complete the Traveler's Health Declaration Form within 24 hours prior to entry. It is available at the link.

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For national returnees and  foreign residents.

The following is required: 

. 1- Complete the electronic affidavit for travelers, up to 48 hours before boarding, which is accessed by entering the page:  

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For nationals and resident foreigners.

1. Affidavit, with place of stay in Bolivian territory

Link is provided:


All the personal details, address, among other data, shall be stated and submitted in a physical format (paper) to competent authorities.

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This section should be updated in the category "entry requirements"

Migration pre-registration | Aerial | Nationals / Foreigners and resident foreigners, Foreigners

Foreign passengers traveling to Venezuela must register online, prior to the departure of the flight from the country of origin.

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This section must be updated in the category "Requisitos de entrada"

Vaccine | Aerial, Land & Maritime | Nationals / Foreigners and resident foreigners & Foreign people

Foreign and Nationals traveling to Guyana have mandatory documents to be presented when entering the country. 

Submitted by paulagomez on