The state of health emergency ceases throughout the national territory and the implementation of preventive actions.
Health emergency throughout the national territory.
Curfew and general preventive isolation, with specific measures.
For disaggregated information on the evolution of the pandemic, see the following link.
See link:
The implementation of preventive actions is nullified, therefore, the use of a mask.
Quarantine and isolation measures are updated, new protocol is dictated.
"Safe Way to Live" biosecurity measures are adopted.
Use of a mask, especially in closed places; Frequent hand washing, distance of 1.5 meters between people, coughing with the crease of the elbow.
In ventilated rooms, attendees seated, tables 1.5 meters apart and capacity.
• The quarantine is called "Smart Quarantine" and it is divided into 4 phases, so the phase in which each District is in is important, since each one has its instructions and activity protocols, it is suggested to enter the link that is provide for more information
Displacement allowed between 05:00 and 02:00 with exceptions.
New specific measures within the framework of the Plan for the Gradual Lifting of General Preventive Isolation until October 12, 2021.
• Children may only circulate accompanied by at least one responsible adult.
• Sectors that can operate in said hours, among others:
Well-ventilated shops, with permanent use of a mask and hand hygiene.
• Deliverys of all kinds of products.
• Gastronomic places in open spaces or outdoors, with seated assistants, use of a mask, without interaction between tables, 1.5 meters of distance between tables.
• Educational institutions will be subject to the "Protocol and Operational Guide for the Safe Return to Educational Institutions 2021" presented by the Ministry of Education and Sciences and approved by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare.
Higher education institutions may teach blended classes according to the approved protocol.
• Social events in public and private spaces enabled for this purpose, under the responsibility of a specific natural or legal person, complying with the approved protocols. Dance spaces and bars are allowed only outdoors. Up to 200 people can participate in closed spaces with adequate ventilation, and up to 350 in outdoor spaces.
Children's events are allowed according to the Protocol.
Meetings in private residences maximum 25 people including partners.
• Cultural and creative sector in well-ventilated environments, permanent use of a mask and hand hygiene. People seated, without interaction with each other and physical distance of 1.5 m. between people. Maximum number of people up to 50% of the capacity of the place.
• Acts of worship, guaranteeing at least (1.5) meters of distance between people, fixed location and use of a mask, with a maximum capacity of people of up to 50% of the capacity of the place, in well-ventilated spaces, according to approved protocol.
• Physical activities, high performance, duly qualified national teams, with swabs if they have symptoms and have a complete vaccination scheme, according to protocols. Classes in groups guaranteeing four (4) meters of distance, between people. Recreational and sports activities are enabled in outdoor spaces carried out by boys and girls.
• Exceptions are foreseen for restricted hours, enabling 24 hours:
• Unavoidable and inherent functions of State Bodies and Entities, International Organizations and Diplomatic Representations, public and private health services, military and police forces;
• Essential businesses (supermarkets, pantries, pharmacies), and the logistics chain for the production and provision of food. Veterinary, funeral services.
• Remote delivery and customer service, fuel vending machines. The logistics chain that includes ports, airports, river vessels, maritime lines and land transport of cargo.
• People who work outside the allowed hours, must carry documentation that proves it, except in urgent cases. Manifestations and documentation will have the character of an affidavit.
• Public passenger transport. Use of mask, good ventilation, and protocols.
Since the end of October 2022, there are no health requirements for entering the country.
For more information, enter the following link: Sanitary requirements.
The only existing health requirements are for all travelers, national or foreign, who come from risk areas: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Venezuela must be vaccinated against yellow fever and have the international vaccination certificate that accredits it. The international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever is a document that must be presented at the time of purchasing the ticket or carrying out the migratory procedures. The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of Paraguay, by Resolution SG No. 040/2022 , establishes the obligation to present the international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever for the entry and exit of the country of nationals and foreigners to risk areas : Bolivia, Brazil, Peru and Venezuela.
Since the end of October 2022, there are no health requirements for entering the country.
For more information, enter the following link: Sanitary requirements.
The only existing health requirements are for all travelers, national or foreign, who come from risk areas: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Venezuela must be vaccinated against yellow fever and have the international vaccination certificate that accredits it. The international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever is a document that must be presented at the time of purchasing the ticket or carrying out the migratory procedures. The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of Paraguay, by Resolution SG No. 040/2022 , establishes the obligation to present the international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever for the entry and exit of the country of nationals and foreigners to risk areas : Bolivia, Brazil, Peru and Venezuela.
Since the end of October 2022, there are no health requirements for entering the country.
For more information, enter the following link: Sanitary requirements.
The only existing health requirements are for all travelers, national or foreign, who come from risk areas: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Venezuela must be vaccinated against yellow fever and have the international vaccination certificate that accredits it. The international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever is a document that must be presented at the time of purchasing the ticket or carrying out the migratory procedures. The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of Paraguay, by Resolution SG No. 040/2022 , establishes the obligation to present the international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever for the entry and exit of the country of nationals and foreigners to risk areas : Bolivia, Brazil, Peru and Venezuela.
Entry restrictions Limitations for cross-border mobility.
Although the borders are closed, the opening is gradual, there are no restrictions for the entry of nationals and foreigners by any means: air, land and sea, enabled.
Requirements for entry are foreseen, with exceptions for the case of people who request their admission for reasons of technical assistance, business or economic interest for the country and other special cases, for a period of up to 5 days.
For more information, go to the following link:
Entry restrictions Limitations for cross-border mobility.
Although the borders are closed, the opening is gradual, there are no restrictions for the entry of nationals and foreigners by any means: air, land and sea, enabled.
Requirements for entry are foreseen, with exceptions for the case of people who request their admission for reasons of technical assistance, business or economic interest for the country and other special cases, for a period of up to 5 days.
For more information, go to the following link:
Entry restrictions Limitations for cross-border mobility.
Although the borders are closed, the opening is gradual, there are no restrictions for the entry of nationals and foreigners by any means: air, land and sea, enabled.
Requirements for entry are foreseen, with exceptions for the case of people who request their admission for reasons of technical assistance, business or economic interest for the country and other special cases, for a period of up to 5 days.
For more information, go to the following link:
Nationals : passport or identity card. Those expired from nationals are accepted, only for entry.
Nationals of Mercosur and Associated States : passport or identity card.
Other Nationalities : passport.
Visa for those nationalities that are required.
- Requirement of International Certificate of Vaccination against Yellow Fever, see link:
Vaccination against yellow fever.
- For residents, the same documents, providing for the presentation of a valid Paraguayan identity card or immigration card for temporary or permanent admission (in the case of not having a Paraguayan ID).
-Check here if your nationality requires a visa to enter the country. (List of Nationalities).
-In case your nationality requires a visa, enter here to learn about the different types of visas, the requirements to meet and the length of stay.(Types of visas, requirements and length of stay).
Nationals : passport or identity card. Those expired from nationals are accepted, only for entry.
Nationals of Mercosur and Associated States : passport or identity card.
Other Nationalities : passport.
Visa for those nationalities that are required.
- Requirement of International Certificate of Vaccination against Yellow Fever, see link:
Vaccination against yellow fever.
- For residents, the same documents, providing for the presentation of a valid Paraguayan identity card or immigration card for temporary or permanent admission (in the case of not having a Paraguayan ID).
-Check here if your nationality requires a visa to enter the country. (List of Nationalities).
-In case your nationality requires a visa, enter here to learn about the different types of visas, the requirements to meet and the length of stay.(Types of visas, requirements and length of stay).
Nationals : passport or identity card. Those expired from nationals are accepted, only for entry.
Nationals of Mercosur and Associated States : passport or identity card.
Other Nationalities : passport.
Visa for those nationalities that are required.
- Requirement of International Certificate of Vaccination against Yellow Fever, see link:
Vaccination against yellow fever.
- For residents, the same documents, providing for the presentation of a valid Paraguayan identity card or immigration card for temporary or permanent admission (in the case of not having a Paraguayan ID).
-Check here if your nationality requires a visa to enter the country. (List of Nationalities).
-In case your nationality requires a visa, enter here to learn about the different types of visas, the requirements to meet and the length of stay.(Types of visas, requirements and length of stay).
Travel documents.
• Nationals: passport - identity card. Those expired of nationals are accepted, only for entry.
• Nationals of MERCOSUR and Associated States: passport - identity card.
• Other nationalities: passport.
• Visa for those nationalities that are required.
• All persons, nationals, resident foreigners and foreigners, have a Yellow Fever Vaccination Card in cases where the destination or origin is the Federative Republic of Brazil.
• For residents the same documents, providing for the presentation of a valid Paraguayan identity card or temporary or permanent immigration card of admission (in the case of not having a Paraguayan C.I.).
Travel documents.
• Nationals: passport - identity card. Those expired of nationals are accepted, only for entry.
• Nationals of MERCOSUR and Associated States: passport - identity card.
• Other nationalities: passport.
• Visa for those nationalities that are required.
• All persons, nationals, resident foreigners and foreigners, have a Yellow Fever Vaccination Card in cases where the destination or origin is the Federative Republic of Brazil.
• For residents the same documents, providing for the presentation of a valid Paraguayan identity card or temporary or permanent immigration card of admission (in the case of not having a Paraguayan C.I.).
Travel documents.
• Nationals: passport - identity card. Those expired of nationals are accepted, only for entry.
• Nationals of MERCOSUR and Associated States: passport - identity card.
• Other nationalities: passport.
• Visa for those nationalities that are required.
• All persons, nationals, resident foreigners and foreigners, have a Yellow Fever Vaccination Card in cases where the destination or origin is the Federative Republic of Brazil.
• For residents the same documents, providing for the presentation of a valid Paraguayan identity card or temporary or permanent immigration card of admission (in the case of not having a Paraguayan C.I.).
The country has 43 entry and exit border crossings.
A new checkpoint was recently opened: Pozo Hondo.
To know the status of the same, consult the link provided:
The country has 43 entry and exit border crossings.
A new checkpoint was recently opened: Pozo Hondo.
To know the status of the same, consult the link provided:
The country has 43 entry and exit border crossings.
A new checkpoint was recently opened: Pozo Hondo.
To know the status of the same, consult the link provided:
Silvio Pettirossi International Airport
Guaraní Airport
Juan Pedro Caballero
Barrio 29 de septiembre (Salto del Guaira)
Paso Salto del Guaira
Puente Internacional de la Amistad
Puente San Roque González de Sta.Cruz
Centro de Frontera Yacyretá
Puerto Falcón
Infante Rivarola
. Puerto Triunfo
. Concepción
. Carmelo Peralta
Silvio Pettirossi International Airport
Guaraní Airport
Juan Pedro Caballero
Barrio 29 de septiembre (Salto del Guaira)
Paso Salto del Guaira
Puente Internacional de la Amistad
Puente San Roque González de Sta.Cruz
Centro de Frontera Yacyretá
Puerto Falcón
Infante Rivarola
. Puerto Triunfo
. Concepción
. Carmelo Peralta
Silvio Pettirossi International Airport
Guaraní Airport
Juan Pedro Caballero
Barrio 29 de septiembre (Salto del Guaira)
Paso Salto del Guaira
Puente Internacional de la Amistad
Puente San Roque González de Sta.Cruz
Centro de Frontera Yacyretá
Puerto Falcón
Infante Rivarola
. Puerto Triunfo
. Concepción
. Carmelo Peralta
There are no limitations, the end of the state of health emergency has been decreed.
Check link.
There are no limitations, the end of the state of health emergency has been decreed.
Check link.
There are no limitations, the end of the state of health emergency has been decreed.
Check link.
Limitations on internal transfers.
• There are restrictions for entering certain Departments, but everything depends on the Phase in which each one is, so it is convenient to know this information before starting the trip.
• Consult link:
Limitations on internal transfers.
• There are restrictions for entering certain Departments, but everything depends on the Phase in which each one is, so it is convenient to know this information before starting the trip.
• Consult link:
Limitations on internal transfers.
• There are restrictions for entering certain Departments, but everything depends on the Phase in which each one is, so it is convenient to know this information before starting the trip.
• Consult link:
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
Care through family health units such as that carried out in public hospitals is unrestricted, including migrants in an irregular migratory administrative situation, that is, care for non-residents is partially free. (Universal).
For the migrant population without resources, it is the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare that has jurisdiction over the poor and/or uninsured population.
Art. 68 of the National Constitution.
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
Care through family health units such as that carried out in public hospitals is unrestricted, including migrants in an irregular migratory administrative situation, that is, care for non-residents is partially free. (Universal).
For the migrant population without resources, it is the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare that has jurisdiction over the poor and/or uninsured population.
Art. 68 of the National Constitution.
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
Care through family health units such as that carried out in public hospitals is unrestricted, including migrants in an irregular migratory administrative situation, that is, care for non-residents is partially free. (Universal).
For the migrant population without resources, it is the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare that has jurisdiction over the poor and/or uninsured population.
Art. 68 of the National Constitution.
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
Access to health services.
• Care through family health units such as that carried out in public hospitals is unrestricted, including for migrants in an irregular immigration administrative situation, that is, care for non-residents is partially free (Universal).
• For the migrant population without resources, it is the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare that has powers over the poor and / or uninsured population.
• Art.68 of the National Constitution
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
Access to health services.
• Care through family health units such as that carried out in public hospitals is unrestricted, including for migrants in an irregular immigration administrative situation, that is, care for non-residents is partially free (Universal).
• For the migrant population without resources, it is the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare that has powers over the poor and / or uninsured population.
• Art.68 of the National Constitution
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
Access to health services.
• Care through family health units such as that carried out in public hospitals is unrestricted, including for migrants in an irregular immigration administrative situation, that is, care for non-residents is partially free (Universal).
• For the migrant population without resources, it is the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare that has powers over the poor and / or uninsured population.
• Art.68 of the National Constitution
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
As of the end of October 2022, it is not mandatory to have a vaccination schedule to enter the country, according to the update of the sanitary requirements for entering the country .
Nacionales de MERCOSUR
Regularization mechanisms.
The DGM carries out IMMIGRATION REGULARIZATION CONFERENCES in different locations, aimed at foreigners of any nationality who work, study or reside in the country.
In the Regularization Days or Mobile Documentation Teams, the DGM, in the company of some public institutions on most occasions, makes facilities available to foreign citizens to regularize their immigration status, carrying out all (or most) of the procedures. in one place.
It is important that some regularization days are carried out at the request of public and/or private entities, in areas where there are large numbers of foreigners without documentation.
Once the Immigration Regularization Day has been confirmed, the General Directorate of Migration, with the support of other dependencies, carries out the necessary administrative procedures for the formation of the work team.
The DGM implements regular campaigns to promote migration regularization services, mainly confirmed mobile documentation teams. To publicize these conferences, talks are held at universities, companies, dissemination in the local press (city where it will take place) and dissemination through the official media of the institution.
Precarious Residence regularizes the migratory situation, while meeting the requirements to apply for a temporary or definitive residence.
Temporary residence abroad:
For foreigners included in the Mercosur Residence Agreement, who are outside the national territory and are affected by the closure of borders due to the State of Sanitary Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the possibility of starting their procedure is offered. under the form of legal representation.
. Valid Identity Document of the country of origin: valid identity card or DNI, or valid passport.
. Birth Certificate issued by the country of origin or by the diplomatic representation of the country of origin in Paraguay. If it was issued abroad, it must be legalized or apostilled.
. Certificate of Police or Criminal Record, issued by the competent authority of the issuing country or by the consular representation in Paraguay, valid at the national level. (Required from the age of 14). If it was issued abroad, it must be legalized or apostilled.
. Current Background Certificate for Foreigners, issued by the Computer Department of the National Police. (Required from the age of 14).
. Proof of Civil Status, issued by the competent authority of the issuing country, only if applicable: marriage certificate, divorce decree, death certificate. If the document was issued abroad, it must be legalized or apostilled.
. Health Certificate, issued by a clinical doctor authorized by the Ministry of Health of Paraguay, stating that the applicant is in good physical and mental health and is free from infectious and contagious diseases. The document must be endorsed by the Ministry of Health of Paraguay.
. Affidavit of not being able to have international records (provided by the Migration Directorate at the time of starting the process).
. Proof of entry into the country: migratory entry ticket; passport with migratory entry stamp; affidavit provided by the General Directorate of Migration; or any other document that proves your presence in the country.
. Additional requirements for applicants under 18 years of age:
. Identity document of the parents or legal guardians. In case of absence of one or both parents, attach: special power of attorney, issued by a Notary Public in the country of origin of the document, with which the trip of the NNA is authorized and the processing of their documentation before the General Directorate of Migration with the accompaniment of the parent or guardian designated for this purpose. The special power of attorney must be signed by the absent parent(s). If it was issued abroad, it must be endorsed and legalized or apostilled. The tutor must be based in the country or be of Paraguayan nationality.
. These people must be accompanied by both parents or guardians to sign the filing application.
. The General Directorate of Migration may require any other additional document that it deems necessary.
All documentation issued abroad must be legalized or certified by the apostille method.
The legalization of foreign documents is processed at the Paraguayan Consulate in the country of origin and, subsequently, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay.
The certification or legalization by the Apostille method is granted by the member countries of the Hague Convention. It is issued by the designated authority in the country of origin of the document.
The documentation to be submitted must be original and a copy.
For more information see the following link:
Permanent residence abroad:
For foreigners included in the Mercosur Residence Agreement, who are outside the national territory and are affected by the closure of borders due to the State of Sanitary Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the possibility of starting their procedure is offered. under the form of legal representation.
. Submit a valid MERCOSUR Temporary Admission Card or Police Report in case of loss of the card.
. Valid Identity Document of the country of origin: Identity card or valid DNI; or valid passport.
. Certificate of Record for foreigners in force, issued by the Computer Department of the Paraguayan National Police. (Required from 14 years of age).
. Demonstration of economic solvency - accreditation of lawful livelihoods. The means for the demonstration are not exhaustive, being able to accredit them with means that allow the subsistence of the applicant and his family group. See annex in the link provided.
. For applicants under the age of 18 :
. Identity document of the parents or legal guardians.
. In the absence of one or both parents, attach a special power of attorney issued by a Notary Public in the country of origin of the document, with the cyual authorizing the trip of the NNA and the processing of their documentation before the General Directorate of Migration with the accompaniment of the parent or guardian appointed for the purpose. (The special power of attorney must be signed by the absent parent or parents. If the special power of attorney was issued abroad, it must be endorsed and legalized or apostilled. The guardian must be based in the country or be of Paraguayan nationality).
. Proof of studies if the applicant is studying primary or secondary education in Paraguay.
. Birth certificate of the NNA.
. They must be accompanied by both parents or guardians to sign the residency application.
. The General Directorate of Migration may request any other additional document that it deems necessary.
All documentation issued abroad must be legalized or certified by the apostille method.
The legalization of foreign documents is processed at the Paraguayan Consulate in the country of origin and, subsequently, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay.
The certification or legalization by the Apostille method is granted by the member countries of the Hague Convention. It is issued by the designated authority in the country of origin of the document.
The documentation to be submitted must be original and a copy.
For more information see the following link:
Temporary residence in the receiving country:
It is managed before the General Directorate of Migration, it is a personal and face-to-face procedure. The monitoring of the process can be done personally or through a legal representative.
It has a cost and its validity is for a period of 2 years and can be extended, and must be requested within 60 days prior to expiration.
. Valid Identity Document of the country of origin: valid identity card or DNI, or valid passport.
. Birth Certificate issued by the country of origin or by the diplomatic representation of the country of origin in Paraguay. If it was issued abroad, it must be legalized or apostilled.
. Certificate of Police or Criminal Record, issued by the competent authority of the issuing country or by the consular representation in Paraguay, valid at the national level. (Required from the age of 14). If it was issued abroad, it must be legalized or apostilled.
. Current Background Certificate for Foreigners, issued by the Computer Department of the National Police. (Required from the age of 14).
. Proof of Civil Status, issued by the competent authority of the issuing country, only if applicable: marriage certificate, divorce decree, death certificate. If the document was issued abroad, it must be legalized or apostilled.
. Health Certificate, issued by a clinical doctor authorized by the Ministry of Health of Paraguay, stating that the applicant is in good physical and mental health and is free from infectious and contagious diseases. The document must be endorsed by the Ministry of Health of Paraguay.
. Affidavit of not having an international background (provided by the Migration Directorate at the time of starting the process).
. Proof of entry into the country: migratory entry ticket; passport with migratory entry stamp; affidavit provided by the General Directorate of Migration; or any other document that proves your presence in the country.
. Additional requirements for applicants under 18 years of age:
. Identity document of the parents or legal guardians. In case of absence of one or both parents, attach: special power of attorney, issued by a Notary Public in the country of origin of the document, with which the trip of the NNA is authorized and the processing of their documentation before the General Directorate of Migration with the accompaniment of the parent or guardian designated for this purpose. The special power of attorney must be signed by the absent parent(s). If it was issued abroad, it must be endorsed and legalized or apostilled. The tutor must be based in the country or be of Paraguayan nationality.
. These people must be accompanied by both parents or guardians to sign the filing application.
. The General Directorate of Migration may require any other additional document that it deems necessary.
All documentation issued abroad must be legalized or certified by the apostille method.
The legalization of foreign documents is processed at the Paraguayan Consulate in the country of origin and, subsequently, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay.
The certification or legalization by the Apostille method is granted by the member countries of the Hague Convention. It is issued by the designated authority in the country of origin of the document.
The documentation to be submitted must be original and a copy.
For more information see the following link:
Permanent residence in the receiving country:
It starts at the General Directorate of Migration. Personal and face-to-face mode. The monitoring of the process can be done personally or through a legal representative.
It must begin within 90 days prior to the expiration of the Mercosur Temporary Admission Card.
It has cost.
. Submit a valid MERCOSUR Temporary Admission Card or Police Report in case of loss of the card.
. Valid Identity Document of the country of origin: Identity card or valid DNI; or valid passport.
. Certificate of Record for foreigners in force, issued by the Computer Department of the Paraguayan National Police. (Required from 14 years of age).
. Demonstration of economic solvency - accreditation of lawful livelihoods. The means for the demonstration are not exhaustive, being able to accredit them with means that allow the subsistence of the applicant and his family group. See annex in the link provided.
. For applicants under the age of 18 :
. Identity document of the parents or legal guardians.
. In the absence of one or both parents, attach a special power of attorney issued by a Notary Public in the country of origin of the document, with the cyual authorizing the trip of the NNA and the processing of their documentation before the General Directorate of Migration with the accompaniment of the parent or guardian appointed for the purpose. (The special power of attorney must be signed by the absent parent or parents. If the special power of attorney was issued abroad, it must be endorsed and legalized or apostilled. The guardian must be based in the country or be of Paraguayan nationality).
. Proof of studies if the applicant is studying primary or secondary education in Paraguay.
. Birth certificate of the NNA.
. They must be accompanied by both parents or guardians to sign the residency application.
. The General Directorate of Migration may request any other additional document that it deems necessary.
All documentation issued abroad must be legalized or certified by the apostille method.
The legalization of foreign documents is processed at the Paraguayan Consulate in the country of origin and, subsequently, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay.
The certification or legalization by the Apostille method is granted by the member countries of the Hague Convention. It is issued by the designated authority in the country of origin of the document.
The documentation to be submitted must be original and a copy.
For more information see the following link:
Nacionales de otros países
Regularization Mechanisms.
The DGM carries out IMMIGRATION REGULARIZATION CONFERENCES in different locations, aimed at foreigners of any nationality who work, study or reside in the country.
In the Regularization Days or Mobile Documentation Teams, the DGM, in the company of some public institutions on most occasions, makes facilities available to foreign citizens to regularize their immigration status, carrying out all (or most) of the procedures. in one place.
It is important that some regularization days are carried out at the request of public and/or private entities, in areas where there are large numbers of foreigners without documentation.
Once the Immigration Regularization Day has been confirmed, the General Directorate of Migration, with the support of other dependencies, carries out the necessary administrative procedures for the formation of the work team.
The DGM implements regular campaigns to promote migration regularization services, mainly confirmed mobile documentation teams. To publicize these conferences, talks are held at universities, companies, dissemination in the local press (city where it will take place) and dissemination through the official media of the institution.
Precarious Residence regularizes the migratory situation, while meeting the requirements to apply for a temporary or definitive residence.
Temporary and Permanent Residences in the receiving country.
Temporary Residences.
Temporary Settlement is the authorization granted to foreign citizens of any nationality, with the intention of temporarily residing in the country while the activities that gave rise to their intention to settle for a certain period last.
It is processed before the General Directorate of Migration, it is in person and personally, or through a legal representative.
It has cost.
Validity: 1 year, and may be renewable up to 5 times, for periods equal to that authorized, depending on the profession, activity and/or reason for filing.
. You must present a valid identity document from the country of origin and proof of entry into the country if you do so with an identity card or DNI. If you entered with a passport, you must have the entry stamp that is issued at the border and airport immigration control posts, when registering your entry to Paraguay.
. Consular or arrival visa, in the case of countries that require it.
. Birth certificate, issued by the country of origin or by the diplomatic representation of the country of origin in Paraguay.
. Certificate of police or criminal record valid at the national level, required from 14 years of age. It is required from the country where you resided for the last 5 years. Prove that the applicant resided in said country for said period, if it is different from his country of origin. If you have resided in Paraguay for more than 5 years: information from witnesses is required, issued by the Legal Justice Court of the Judicial Power of Paraguay, which accredits said extreme. In addition, present a valid background certificate from INTERPOL of Paraguay. Add a valid background certificate for foreigners, issued by the Computer Department of the National Police of Paraguay. (Required from 14 years of age).
. If applicable: certificate of civil status, issued by the competent authority of the issuing country. (marriage, divorce, death).
. Certificate of life and current residence, issued by a Jurisdictional Police Station in Paraguay.
. Health certificate, issued by a clinical doctor authorized by the Ministry of Health of Paraguay, stating that the applicant is in good physical and mental health and free from infectious-contagious diseases. (Document endorsed by the Ministry of Public Health).
. Demonstration of economic solvency: accreditation of lawful livelihoods. (see link provided).
People under 18:
. Current Interpol record certificate, issued by the Interpol Department of the Paraguayan National Police. (Required from the age of 14).
. Identity document of the parents or legal guardians.
In the absence of one of them:
. Special power, issued by a Notary Public in the country of origin of the document, with which the trip of the NNA is authorized and the processing of their documentation before the General Directorate of Migration, with the accompaniment of the parent or guardian designated for this purpose. The special power of attorney must be signed by the absent parent(s); In the case of a guardian, they must be based in the country or be of Paraguayan nationality.
. Proof of studies: if you are studying primary or secondary in Paraguay).
Formalities : All foreign documents must be legalized or certified by the Apostille method, in this case for those from member countries of the Hague Convention, and translated into Spanish with the exception of documents in Portuguese issued in the Federative Republic. from Brazil.
Original and authenticated copy will be presented.
For more information see the following link:
Law No. 978/096.
Permanent residence in the receiving country.
The Permanent Residency is the residence authorization granted to foreign citizens of any nationality who wish to settle permanently in Paraguayan territory and for the purpose of carrying out any kind of activity that the authorities consider useful to the development of the country, in accordance with what is established in the Migration Law and its regulations.
Applicants can apply directly to change the category from Non-Resident to Permanent Resident through this type of filing, without the need to have a previous filing in Paraguay.
It is managed before the General Directorate of Migration, the procedure is personal and face-to-face. The monitoring of the process can be done personally or through a legal representative.
It has cost.
Validity: indefinite.
You must present a valid identity document from the country of origin and proof of entry into the country if you do so with an identity card or DNI. If you entered with a passport, you must have the entry stamp that is issued at the border and airport immigration control posts, when registering your entry to Paraguay.
. Consular or arrival visa; in the case of countries that require it.
. Birth certificate, issued by the country of origin or by the diplomatic representation of the country of origin in Paraguay.
. Certificate of police or criminal record with validity, with scope at the national level, required from 14 years of age. It is required from the country where you resided for the last 5 years. Prove that the applicant resided in that country for the aforementioned period, if different from his or her country of origin. If you have resided in Paraguay for more than 5 years: information from witnesses is required, issued by the Legal Justice Court of the Judicial Power of Paraguay, which accredits said extreme. In addition, present a valid background certificate from INTERPOL of Paraguay. Add a valid background certificate for foreigners, issued by the Computer Department of the National Police of Paraguay. (Required from 14 years of age).
. If applicable: certificate of civil status, issued by the competent authority of the issuing country. (marriage, divorce, death).
. Certificate of life and current residence, issued by a Jurisdictional Police Station in Paraguay.
. Health certificate, issued by a clinical doctor authorized by the Ministry of Health of Paraguay, stating that the applicant is in good physical and mental health and free from infectious-contagious diseases. (Document endorsed by the Ministry of Public Health).
. Affidavit of compliance with Art. 23 of Law No. 978/096, issued before the Notary Public in Paraguay, expressly stating; respect and comply with the mandates of the National Constitution, the Laws, Decrees and other legal provisions that govern the territory of the Republic of Paraguay. (See model).
. Demonstration of economic solvency: accreditation of lawful livelihoods. (see link provided).
People under 18:
. Current Interpol record certificate, issued by the Interpol Department of the Paraguayan National Police. (Required from the age of 14).
. Identity document of the parents or legal guardians.
In the absence of one of them:
. Special power, issued by a Notary Public in the country of origin of the document, with which the trip of the NNA is authorized and the processing of their documentation before the General Directorate of Migration, with the accompaniment of the parent or guardian designated for this purpose. The special power of attorney must be signed by the absent parent(s); In the case of a guardian, they must be based in the country or be of Paraguayan nationality.
. Proof of studies: if you are studying primary or secondary in Paraguay).
Formalities : All foreign documents must be legalized or certified by the Apostille method, in this case for those from member countries of the Hague Convention, and translated into Spanish with the exception of documents in Portuguese issued in the Federative Republic. from Brazil.
Original and authenticated copy will be presented.
For more information, enter this link:
NNAs acompañados con ambos representantes legales
In the case of children and adolescents of Paraguayan nationality, or foreign nationals residing in Paraguay who travel with both legal representatives, they are required to prove the link and proof of entry.
For more information, go to the link provided.
To enlarge enter "See more".
NNAs acompañados con un representante legal
In the case of NNA, of Paraguayan or foreign nationality residing in Paraguay, who graduate with a legal representative, they will need to present a minor's permit where the travel authorization of the other legal representative who does not travel is given.
The same is processed before the Justice of the Peace that corresponds to the city or neighborhood in which you reside. The link must be accredited, to request the respective authorization.
The procedure is free.
For further information enter "See more".
NNAs no acompañados
Reference is made to those children and adolescents who are not traveling in the company of their legal representatives.
Persons under the age of 18 are considered such. In all cases, a valid travel document is required and what is detailed.
Legal representative : person who exercises parental responsibility.
In the case of NNA of Paraguayan or foreign nationality residing in Paraguay, to graduate they will need to present a minor's permit , authorized by their legal or judicial representatives in case of absence or one of them does not want to authorize.
That is processed before the Justice of the Peace that corresponds to the city or neighborhood in which you reside. The link must be accredited, to request the respective authorization.
The procedure is free.
For more information, go to "See more".

Entry points
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