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National Context

Ordinance No. 670/2022 , updated by Information Note No. 16/2022 , has a direct impact on human mobility. The measure provides, for health reasons related to the risks of contamination and spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus (Covid-19), exceptional and temporary restriction measures for foreigners and foreigners of any nationality to enter the country by air, land and waterways, as recommended by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) .

In addition, as it is a federative republic, in Brazil, the Union, state and municipal governments have the autonomy to create and apply measures to restrict human mobility, with a view to containing the transmission of the new Coronavirus. Before traveling it is important to check which restrictions are in place.

Ordinance GM/MS No. 913/2022 also declared the closure of the Public Health Emergency of National Importance (ESPIN) as a result of Covid-19.

All measures at national, regional or local level are published in official media. The importance of consulting these sources is emphasized.

Specifically regarding waterway transport and the cruise ship season in Brazil, the Interministerial Ordinance No. 658/2021 , released the resumption of cruise ships in Brazilian waters since November 1, 2021. Anvisa defined the health requirements that be observed by ships, to ensure the safety of passengers and crew during the voyage, embarkation and disembarkation.

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Source of information
Presidency of the Republic
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